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Week 1 - start of the round of Grow with Fab. Jani introduces program and Georgi Georgiev gives a lecture on Desing Thinking.

30. October 2018

Week 1 lecture

-Desing thinking


week 3 - Georgi continues from previous week topic idea generation and design methods. 

20. November

Week 3 lecture

- Design methods


week 5 - Georgi gives the last of his lectures. Talk is about Design Evaluation.

5. December

Week 5 lecture

- Design evaluation


week 7 - Janne Haverinen give a first lecture of business and the importance of your team (i.e. employees) in the company.

18. December

Week 7 lecture

- Team


week 9 - Janne gives a lecture about business canvas. It is an iterative tool to define company parameters.

29. January 2019

Week 9 lecture

- Business Canvas


week 11 -Bjarke Calvin talks about communication. Examples come through his own company product Duckling. A new way to communicate ideas.

12. February 2019

Week 11 lecture

- Communication


week 13 -Execution and OKR with Janne Haverinen.

4. March 2019

Week 13 lecture

-Execution Janne Haverinen


Getting growd funding through Kickstarter with Heather Corcoran

8. April 2019

Week 15 lecture

-Funding with heather from Kickstarter


Week 2 - Georgi gives a presentation on idea generation.

6. November 2018

Week 2 lecture

- Idea generation


week 4 - Georgi talks about desing prototyping.

27. November

Week 4 lecture

- Design prototyping


week 6 - Fab Grow students gave pitch presentations of their projects.

11. December

Week 6 lecture

- Pitch talks


week 8 - Janne gives second lecture of business development including NABC modell.

22. January 2019

Week 8 lecture



week 10 - Tomas Diez gave a lecture of communities and highly community related project smartcitizen.

6. February 2019

Week 10 lecture

- Communities


week 12 -Snowballing through the Business Canvasses.

19. February 2019

Week 12 lecture

- Snowballing


week 14 -All about venture capitalists and getting funding for your company.

19. March 2019

Week 14 lecture

-VC with Ari Takanen (Kielo Growth)


This week Jani talked about writing about your project.

25. April 2019

Week 16 lecture

Writing with Jani

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